Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Early Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition affecting millions worldwide, marked by elevated blood sugar levels. Recognizing the early symptoms is crucial for timely diagnosis and management. Some initial indicators include:

Frequent urination: Excess sugar in the bloodstream prompts the kidneys to work overtime, increasing urine output.

Excessive thirst and hunger: The body tries to counterbalance increased urination by prompting an increased fluid intake. Similarly, muscles and organs deprived of sugar energy may signal increased hunger.

Fatigue: Inadequate sugar in cells results in a lack of energy.

Blurred vision: High blood sugar levels can cause fluid to seep into the eye lens, affecting focus.

Slow-healing sores: Elevated sugar impairs the body’s healing ability.

Unexplained weight loss: Despite eating more, the body may use muscle and fat for energy, causing weight loss.

Tingling or numbness: High sugar damages nerves, especially in extremities.